Love is tweet

4 Feb

UPDATE: You can find my Love Is Tweet project HERE!

Okay, I get it. You don’t want your students running a muck around you while sucking on sticks covered with high-fructose-corn-syrup and loudly casting spells on one another with newly sharpened pencils. Okay. You don’t want little Brian eating 30 pieces of ‘I {heart} you’ Laffy Taffy while he theatrically spins himself in circles until he pukes, I GET IT TEACHER!

I am not totally bummed that my cute hand print and candy with attached “I think you’re sweet” Valentines Day Cards are out of the question for my son’s class this year. But, it does leave me with a bit of searching for the perfect treat, but, in fact not being a “treat” itself. Damn.

But looky-looky!

I found this absolutely adorable idea on ugh where else but HERE…

So here’s a sneak peek at what we will be making this week for my son’s class for Valentines Day.

…Annnnnd, I’m pretty sure we will be suffering from neck over-extention from holding our heads back too far just to get that last bit of Pixie Stix glory while doing so… mmmm it’s soooooo delishish! Here kids, lets wash it down with some Rockstar Energy Drinks. Oh, no, no…. that extra stuff {vodka} is for mommys drink.

So come back soon to see our finished project!


thanks Bargain Hoot for the idea!

One Response to “Love is tweet”

  1. Denise February 7, 2014 at 7:32 pm #

    I want to make those cute bird feeders!

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